to think, 2024
to speak, 2024
to write, 2024

Articulation: Language, Object, Space
Ipswich Art Gallery

Developed as part of the Articulation exhibition at Ipswich Art Gallery, the structures and plinths that organized and framed the artworks functioned as a language system. They were inspired by Bliss symbols, a visual language developed by Charles Bliss in the late 1940s in an ambitious attempt to transcend spoken and written languages. Each structure and plinth take the form of the symbols from that language system, including "to think," "to speak," and "to write."

The structures reflect my ongoing interest in language systems and the view that language can a powerful tool for expressing a wide range of perspectives, but it also has its limitations. The reflective quality of the structures was used to prompt visitors to consider different ways of viewing the works, focusing on form and structure, as well as their own interactions with the space and the artwork.

Photos: Claudia Baxter.
Developed in collaboration with designer Roz de Waal McKenzie.